Terms and conditions


These general conditions of sale govern the sale of products marketed by Biz In Bit Srls, through the website www.257.style to consumer users and users acting for business activities. These general conditions are effective from the date of acceptance of the same by the customer on the site, which is valid for all purposes as acceptance pursuant to art. 1341 of the civil code. Biz In Bit Srls reserves the right to modify these general conditions of sale at any time by bringing them back to the site. Any contractual or extra-contractual liability on the part of the company for direct or indirect damages to persons and / or things caused by the non-acceptance, even partial, of an order is excluded.


The purchase of products takes place through access to the site. For each of the products, a description is available on the site containing the main characteristics of the same. All purchase support information is intended as a simple generic information material. It is understood that 'image accompanying the product description may not be perfectly representative of its characteristics but differ in color, size, accessory products shown in the figure. If the user deems more information necessary, he can contact us via email, chat or social channels. Correct receipt of the order is confirmed to Biz In Bit Srls by means of an automatic reply via e-mail, sent to the e-mail address supplied by the customer at the time of registration. This confirmation message will contain an "order number" to refer to and to be used for any communication with the company. The message will contain all the data entered by the customer who undertakes to verify its correctness and to promptly communicate any corrections. In the case of payment by bank transfer, the customer will view during checkhout or receive, by e-mail, the bank details to make the payment correctly. In the event of problems or non-acceptance of the order, Biz In Bit guarantees timely communication to the customer.


The prices on the site, in the catalog accessible to all, are to be understood as prices to the public and, therefore, inclusive of VAT. For users who act for business activities, the company reserves the right to provide a dedicated price list accessible through the reserved area and with prices shown net of VAT. Prices may vary without notice and the only correct price is the one indicated at the time of order confirmation.

The payment methods available are:

  • Credit card
  • Bank transfer
  • Stripe
  • Pay Pal

In cases of purchase of goods with a "credit card" payment method, at the same time as the online transaction is concluded, the reference bank will authorize only the commitment of the amount relating to the purchase made. Once the payment is received Biz In Bit will activate your order.


In cases of purchase of goods with "bank transfer" payment method, if you have not viewed the bank details at the conclusion of the order, you can make the credit after receiving the e-mail containing them from Biz In Bit . The purpose of the transfer must include the order number which will be communicated to you by e-mail. The transfer will be considered valid if made within 10 working days of receiving the second e-mail. Within 2/5 working days of execution, Biz In Bit will verify the credit and activate your order, barring unforeseen events for which timely communication by telephone and / or by e-mail will be given. Biz In Bit reserves the right to cancel the order in case of non-receipt of the transfer. In the event that the amount of the transfer does not correspond to the amount of the order. Customers are advised to keep a copy of the bank transfer receipt and any payment receipt as proof of payment. Biz In Bit reserves the right to request additional documents from the customer proving ownership of the credit card. In the absence of sending the documentation, Biz In Bit reserves the right not to accept the order.


For each order placed Biz In Bit issues a regular sales document of the material shipped. For the issuance of the invoice, the information provided by the customer at the time of the order is authentic. The customer can request a copy of the invoice or receipt within three months of issue. Delivery costs are charged to the customer and are indicated when placing the order. No responsibility can be attributed to Biz In Bit in case of delay in the order or delivery of the order. At the time of delivery, the customer is obliged to check:

  • the packaging is intact, neither damaged, nor wet, or in any case altered;
  • that the number of packages corresponds to what is indicated in the transport document.

Any damage to the product or packaging or the mismatch in the information must be immediately reported to the courier by putting WRITTEN CHECK RESERVE on the courier's proof of delivery. Once the courier's document has been signed, the customer will not be able to make any objection about the external characteristics of what has been delivered. In case of non-collection within 5 working days of the material present in storage at the courier's warehouses due to repeated inability to deliver to the address indicated by the customer at the time of the order, the package (s) will return to the sender (us) and the customer will have to pay a second shipment (equal to $ 15.00) including storage costs. Undelivered products will be assigned to the public after 15 days (the date of the registered letter sent to your address as proof) of storage at our headquarters or the manufacturer's or supplier's headquarters..


As per the regulations in force on online purchases, the return of the product can be made within 14 days of receipt of the same. The product must be intact (no signs of wear or tear, with the original labels and still positioned as when packaged, etc.) in its original packaging. The exchange can take place only once per item with an identical product but of a different size, in the case of clothing, or of the same or higher price, subject to payment of the difference by the customer, in the case of a product other than the clothing or if it is no longer available.


  1. Shipping to our return address, shipping and choice of courier to be paid by the customer *
  2. Receipt by us of the returned product, quality control and, if it conforms to the characteristics indicated in the previous point, new shipment of the replacement product with the characteristics indicated by the customer via e-mail or chat.
  3. (ITALY ONLY) - we will ship the changed product at our expense

** For reasons of abuse of the service, we do not change products that have already been changed previously (Order changed in progress or returned already made).


All products sold by Biz In Bit are covered by the manufacturer's conventional warranty, pursuant to Legislative Decree 24/02 which protects the purchases of only end customers who purchase for non-professional purposes, by means of a receipt. The products of clothing, costume jewelery, bags and clothing accessories do not have a 24-month warranty, present only on electrical or electronic products, unless otherwise indicated on this page. To benefit from the guarantee, the customer must keep the invoice or sales document sent with the product itself. In case of tampering or modification, the product automatically loses the warranty. The replacements in case of DOA (Dead On Arrival: product not working on delivery) take place only if expressly provided for by the manufacturer. In the event that it is unable to return a product under warranty to its customer, Biz In Bit may at its discretion proceed to return the amount paid or replace it with a product of equal or superior characteristics. In case of return of the product under warranty, the goods must be returned by the customer in the original packaging, complete in all its parts (including packaging and any accessory documentation): the affixing of labels or adhesive tapes directly on the original packaging of the product. The product must be protected with parcel paper and packaging suitable for transport. The customer can anticipate the communication via e-mail to the address: info@257style.com


Pursuant to and within the limits of art. 64 of the Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206, the customer has the right, within 14 days of receipt of the products purchased, to exercise the Right of Withdrawal, consisting of the right to return the products received and to obtain a refund of the price paid. This right applies to all products contained on the site. www.257.style. Also pursuant to the aforementioned Legislative Decree 206/2005 it is specified that the Right of Withdrawal is exclusively reserved for consumer customers and that is only to natural persons who purchase the products for their own use and act for purposes not related to professional activity, or if they do not make the purchase by indicating a VAT number when ordering or by subsequently requesting an invoice with VAT. To make use of the Right of Withdrawal, the Customer must contact the Customer Support Team at info@257style.com The customer must promptly ship to the address: Biz In Bit - Via Ernesto Pontieri, 5 - 82100 Benevento BN. The transport costs and the responsibility of the goods during shipment, as required by law, are borne by the customer. It is therefore advisable to insure the products with the chosen courier, taking care to carefully pack the goods, where possible by inserting them in an external box, avoiding damaging the original packaging with adhesive tapes, labels, etc. The product must be returned intact in the original packaging complete with all its parts and accessories, including any guarantees, instructions, licenses of use, labels, etc. In case of transport damage occurred during the return, Biz In Bit will communicate the same to the customer within five working days of receipt of the goods, allowing him to file a complaint with the courier used for the transport. The damaged goods will be made available for return and the withdrawal request will be canceled at the same time. Without prejudice to any repair costs for ascertained damage, Biz In Bit will refund within 14 days and in any case not before receipt of the purchased goods the full amount of the goods (excluding transport costs) by means of a reversal procedure by bank transfer to the current account indicated by the customer. The right of withdrawal is totally lost if the products are returned damaged (for reasons other than transport) or incomplete, used, worn, without labels and original packaging, instruction manuals, user licenses, guarantees, etc. Notes: At the moment the products in the www.257.style catalog can be purchased exclusively online. Any changes will be indicated on this page.


Il contratto di vendita tra il cliente e Biz In Bit si intende concluso in Italia e regolato dalla Legge italiana. Per quanto non diversamente stabilito si applica la Legge italiana in materia.